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Continuing Education

Dr. Fathia Muhammed

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The continuing education is a process through which the individual builds his mental abilities and various skills, which help him  work, coexist and adapt with those around him easily.


Continuing education methods vary, but they do not differ among societies, because the common goal is to develop the capabilities of individuals and improve their skills and lifestyle.


Continuing education is a lifespan of individual capacity and skills development. It represents one of the tributaries of increasing material resources to improve their lives on a personal level. Human needs make it imperative for people  to search for  new things to facilitate their lives.


The continuing education takes one of the two directions; the first orientation is linked to the formal educational institutions, which is the most prevalent form of the educational systems in the world at the present time, and it starts from the age of six until the individual obtains an academic certificate, where children enroll in schools at an early age and acquire knowledge in a gradual way during the different years.


Schools and universities are the most important institutions of formal and continuing education, and in the current developments, open universities have emerged as one of the directions of continuing education.


As for the second orientation, it is called free education or informal education, where the individual seeks to develop his abilities and skills in development institutions, specialized institutes, workplaces, intellectual, literary and educational clubs, and other places that surround him.

The process of developing the capabilities of individuals does not end once they obtain a specific certificate, because continuing education is not linked to a specific educational level, or a specific place and time; rather, it is a process of updating the knowledge, skills, and current practices owned by individuals of all ages, nationalities and cultures, so that the individual seeks to develop himself through self-learning.

Continuing education methods vary among training courses, watching educational clips, using electronic media, whether individual or group, or by being informed and reading various books.


It aims to increase the accumulation of knowledge and develop the mental abilities of the individuals in various scientific, economic, political and other areas of daily life, and to develop the practical skills of individuals in the field that they tend to acquire highly. Continuing education enhances individuals' personal confidence, which supports his practical capabilities while performing tasks in their workplaces.


In fact, its benefits are not limited to the individual by developing his abilities and skills, which are often reflected in the increase of his material resources, but rather on societies where we find the peoples of those societies more advanced and aware in various life, and thus states play the role of their members and their advanced capabilities in various fields.


Continuing education, whether in formal or non-formal institutions, is a process linked to the individual and his desire to develop his abilities and skills to advance the level of his daily and practical life.

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