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Yemen Information Center Organizes a Workshop on Gender-based Violence Against Women in Yemen in Collaboration with Women's Research and Training Center in Aden

Yemen Information Center (YIC) for Research and Media, in collaboration with Women's Research and Training Center at the University of Aden, organized a workshop today in Aden focused on activating community participation in combating gender-based violence against women in Yemen


During the opening of the workshop, Dr. Shaimaa Hwidir Director of Yemen Information Center (YIC) in Aden, delivered a speech highlighting the center's objectives in supporting women's issues in Yemen and empowering them economically and socially, as well as addressing development issues. She emphasized the important role of Women's Research and Training Center in its continuous support for women's issues through its activities, programs, research, and studies aimed at raising community awareness about the significance of combating forms of gender-based violence in Yemen.


Dr. Hwidir also pointed out that the issue of combating violence against women is a global concern that calls for the involvement of all community, local, and international entities to put an end to violence against women and girls. The center is implementing an awareness campaign against gender-based violence through social media, utilizing informative flash messages that highlight the types of violence women are subjected to, such as physical, psychological, and verbal abuse, among other forms. She noted that YIC works through its units to promote positive concepts that encourage hope and social cohesion while addressing the effects of conflicts that have affected citizens, particularly women, who are the most vulnerable group in Yemeni society.


On her part, Dr. Huda Ali Alawi, Director of Women's Research and Training Center at the University of Aden, confirmed that the center is working in cooperation with Yemen Information Center to establish the foundation and mechanisms for participatory and community work to exchange experiences and share positive practices related to women's issues. She clarified that this event is part of the center's objectives and mission supporting women's issues in development and peace.


Dr. Alawi mentioned the importance of activating local and international stances against violence toward women, especially with the increase in reports documenting violations and incidents of violence against women in Yemen, particularly given the prolonged and ongoing conflict. She explained that the issue of violence against women has become a topic of broad international attention, prompting governments, human rights organizations, and civil society organizations to take legal measures and initiatives to combat this phenomenon against women.


The workshop, which was attended by 24 participants from civil society representatives, human rights activists, and academics, covered two key presentations: an overview of violence against women in Yemen presented by Dr. Saeed Al-Qashbari, an expert in context analysis and violence against women, and gender-based violence presented by Dr. Nada Al-Sayid Hasan, a consultant and researcher in the field of violence against women and Director of the Gender Programs Unit at the Women’s Studies Center.


The workshop included various discussions from participants who reviewed the problems and challenges facing women in Yemen that have led to the prevalence of violence, resulting in recommendations aimed at enhancing community participation with all relevant entities in combating gender-based violence against women in its various forms and manifestations in Yemeni society.

Analysis That Matters.

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