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It is better to teach me the skill of fishing than to offer me fish?

Dr. Ahlam Abdelbaki Elqobati

التهميش في الشريعة والقانون2 (1).jpg

From the sayings of the Chinese philosopher (Confucius), "It is better than giving someone a fish  teach him how to fish." If we look at the concept of this phrase from the point of view of social advancement (social development), which means radical changes in the concepts and behavior of individuals towards society, with the consequent behavior of these individuals towards carrying out their responsibilities towards their society in their participation to reduce the problems and difficulties faced by society. That is, highlighting human development, which is the main entry point and depends on qualifying and empowering individuals, developing their capabilities, expanding the range of their options, and their participation in the process of identifying societal needs and their direct participation in development planning and in the stages of implementation, evaluation and decision-making. In the sense that investing in the field of human capital helps to achieve development within society, as indicated by many studies of social and human sciences, including the study of Adam Smith, who noted the need to pay attention to the development of human skills for individuals and groups, and indicated that the difference between the developed countries of the world and the developing countries  is investing in the human factor and giving basic importance to its role.  As the human being as a means and goal of development at the same time.

Confucius’s saying clarifies that instead of focusing and paying attention to covering the basic needs of individuals temporarily by providing them directly with aid, strategic programmed planning must be aimed at meeting the needs of the current generation indefinitely without threatening the rights and needs of future generations. In a clearer sense, work on implementing development projects that aim to focus on empowering individuals and groups to fight poverty by building the economy, caring for the environment and activating popular participation.  That is work on community development, which does not focus only on direct aid and relief, but rather it is necessary to work on self-developmental advancement at the level of all social, economic, health, environmental, technological, institutional and educational dimensions.

The developmental advancement of any society cannot be achieved without the participation of community members in the efforts made to improve the standard of living in their surroundings after the stage of developing their various skills and providing them with facilities, material and moral support for development programs that aim to advance the services necessary to help them in a manner that encourages initiative, self-reliance and positive community participation. Therefore, they have to be characterized by a high degree of social responsibility.

Here, the parties concerned with decision-making in Yemen must work to achieve this in an urgent manner, as the situation of the Yemeni people has deteriorated at all social and economic levels, it can no longer tolerate a slowdown and wait for foreign interventions and aid. There must be an internal Yemeni national plan that begins with uniting the ranks, ending all differences and stopping conflicts, and then work with strategic developmental planning to promote community development to work on reaching the stage of social justice for members of society. Social justice is a major requirement for all members of the people, To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce the gaps between the classes of society, to consolidate the principle of peaceful coexistence and to eliminate discrimination between citizens, whether due to belief, sect, gender, age, culture or party.

In the most accurate sense, social justice or civil justice is a socio-economic system that aims to eliminate economic and social differences between the classes of a single society;  And work to provide fair treatment and provide a participatory share of the wealth of the country's resources to all its members, which is represented in economic expediency and work to redistribute (national income and equal opportunities) to form in the end what is called a qualified civil society capable of advancing the needs of building its country, so the participation of all members of society in the process of advancement  Developmental work and work to develop their skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the current stage has become an urgent necessity.

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